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Supporting Local Flavors

Posted on October 17, 2022 by Chase Demko

Why are they turning into their regional markets more and more? In a nutshell they need fresh, healthful produce with amazing flavor. There are a lot of other benefits to purchasing local products and it would seem Americans are now rediscovering what their regional growers have to offer.


Care for more healthy ingredients? Locally grown items are generally harvested 1 or two days prior to hitting the market which makes them considerably fresher then conventional store bought ingredients. For those people lucky enough to reside in rural areas, many of the regional ingredients might be available to you the exact same day they are harvested. Produce flown in from different areas of the country or planet is much older given that on average they travel 1,500 miles for your dinner table. These products can be harvested before they are ripe due to the delay in getting the product to market. Given that produce loses nutrients quickly, a newly harvested crop is preferred because of its ripeness alone.


Local food is often safer, too. Even if it is not organically grown, small farms are far less competitive than big factory farms about using substances. While biotechnology companies have been experimenting with genetically modified produce, small regional farmers don't have access to these seeds and many wouldn't use them even when they did have access to these seeds. For those consumers opposed to using genetically modified produce, locally grown produce will give the best product.


When you visit a local market you get a opportunity to see the grower and speak with them eye-to-eye. You get to see their reaction when you ask them if the usage compounds. You get to see how proud they are of what their hard work has generated. And you get to realize that joy in their eyes when you encourage their farm using a purchase. This chance to satisfy the growers in person goes a long way in developing a sense of community and keeping up tradition as well as supporting local growers financially.


As we've been wrapped up in the comforts of the corner grocer, we seem to have forgotten how precious our farmers are to our regional communities. If you grew up in a rural area, you probably remember the huge open space and scenic countryside the plants created. Provided that the tiny regional farms exist that this open space won't be developed into commercial property. Why is this significant? Apart from maintaining the gorgeous landscape, it's also most cost effective for the area, supports a cleaner environment and affords wildlife a greatly desirable refuge.

On average nearly four times as much tax revenue is spent on services for a residential area then is spent on services for farms, forest or open space. For example for every $1 collected in taxes by a residential area, nearly $1.20 is spent on services to support area. Conversely, only $.34 is spent to encourage rural area for every dollar collected. Since farms contribute more taxes then they require in services, local farmers result in a surplus in tax revenue. In addition to the reduced price required to support rural areas, they also help to wash 12-14% of the carbon emitted by vehicles and industry.

By continuing to support local growers now, you're ensuring that they'll be around tomorrow. Actually more and more non-chain grocers are carrying locally grown products. They must, it is what customers are demanding.

Try purchasing local flavors. You've got nothing to lose and so much to gain.